End Destructive Scratching
Take Simon & Iris's Shoo-Kitty Challenge
3 Easy Steps to Peace & Harmony
1st—Buy it
- Anti-Scratch Furniture Protectant
- Fabric Furniture Tape
- Lifetime Natural Cedar Scratching Post
- Electrical Wire Shields
2nd—Put it to Work
- Apply Shoo-Kitty
- Everywhere kitty’s scratching
- Set up our lifetime natural cedar scratching posts
- Encourage its use daily
- Kitty dislikes the Shoo-kitty Scent
- They stay away—ALL BY THEMSELVES!
3rd—Experience the Joy
- 24/7 Protection
- Kitties stop scratching furniture
- Stop climbing draperies
- Stop scarring woodwork
- Stop chewing electrical wires
Only happy kitties having fun!
Showing off, scratching their posts!
Simon & Iris’s Shoo-Kitty Products
Shoo-Kitty’s Natures Way Training Method
End Destruction—Adopt a Kitty—Save Claws